My name is Andrew Hart, I am a 21 year old Creative Technology and Design Major at the University of Colorado Boulder. I got into graphic design my freshman year of high school when I took an entry level graphic design class that mainly used photoshop and a small amount of illustrator. I quickly fell in love with the freedom that comes with graphic design, there is very little limiting what you can create outside of your own imagination and knowledge of the tools you are using.
Graphic design also opens the doors to many different career paths from marketing and making ads, to making animation for games or movies, to simply making small photoshop adjustments. The ability to create endlessly and make something exactly as I want it to look is something I enjoy, I can sometimes be a perfectionist with certain things and having an outlet like digital art to be able to create something to the level of perfection I find desirable feels freeing a lot of the time. I am very interested in being able to create quality animations of decent length in the future with the skills I gain in digital arts. I am particularly interested in animation in VR as I believe this to be the future of animation in digital arts, and it would allow me to use some of the coding skills I have learned as well alongside my digital art skills. I also find a relatively new thing that hasn’t been done before all that much would be exciting to work on. I hope to improve my digital art, 3D modeling, and coding skills enough to make animating in VR a reality.